May Financial Report:
- Sold 2.36 B ISK, bought 1.63 B ISK, for a total profit of ~730 M ISK (~31% Profit, or ~45% ROI).
- Manufacturing accounts for 2.1 B ISK in sales and 1.38 B ISK in costs.
- I sold a Raven (148 M ISK) and 2 Gnosis (~112 M ISK each) to make up the remaining income.
- I bought an additional 187 M ISK in BPO's for my alt (A R.A.M. set and a Caldari T2 set)
- Got product to market from my alt late this month, around the 24th. Should increase my revenue next month if I can get her on a steady schedule.
- Holding off on investing another ~300 million in component BPO's for my alt, using some from my main in the mean time.
- I was using to extract my wallet journal and transaction data, but late this month it stopped working for my journal, so I am looking for another source to easily extract this information. What that means for this report is that taxes and other costs are underrepresented, but it should only be a couple of million low.
Category Breakdown of May:
- No surprises here, Manufacturing kits/sales make up the lions share of money made/spent.
- Spent about 3.5 million on copy slots and 5.6 million on invention.
Sales Breakdown for May (With products removed :):
- All 4 lines that start early in the month are from my main. I missed getting my last product to market, so it looks a little low at the end of the month.
- Of the products that I selected for my alt, 2 are not showing the expected velocity. Looks like all 4 are going to be competitive markets.
And finally the Manufacturing report:
- I invested in another mfg cycle even though I am not complete on the current one. This is an OCD make the graph pr0n look pretty thing.

All in all, pretty good month. I lost a week of play time when my credit card got stolen days before my main account was due. We got most of the money back, but I had to wait for new cards to be issued. My alt only had a partial kit make it to market. I need to look into what she's doing, because looking into the sales graphs, you can see that 2 of the products (purple and dark blue) are selling good. But the other 2 products (light green and pink) are not selling as well.
For the next month I will be investing in some components to level out my costs during the first couple of months of Odyssey. Also need to look into filling out some researched component BPO's on my alt to allow some flexibility. Still looking for some filler product for both toons to keep their manufacturing lines full, but May was very tight on cash until the last week or so.
I need to setup some planetary interactions on my main and start using some research agents for both of my toons. Not sure if I want to add PI skills to my alt. With my alt's training almost complete, I need to carefully consider what to do with the training time on my second account, especially in light of needing more copy slots to keep up with my invention slots.
Lessons learned:
- When creating an alt, make sure that you have all the BPO's, researched and not, that they need before starting.
- 500 M ISK is not enough to start a high-sec T2 manufacturing business without a lot of hiccups. You need 500 M ISK or more just for kits. You will probably spend at least that much again buying researched BPO's to make it efficient.
- Noting the bullet above, have ~1.5 billion ISK available for any new alt. 500 M ISK for implants/skills, 500 M ISK for BPO's, and 500 M ISK for kit costs. (See Locke's Everything You Never Wanted to Know: Making an Industrial Alt for more information on making an industrial alt.)
- All the bullets above being said, I am probably trying to buy too large of kits. I am doing 4 products at 200 units/product. Cutting that in half for each kit will be helpful. Also, my main is doing products with components from all 4 races, and my alt is doing components from 2 different races. Selecting products in the same race might be a better idea.
- Product selection is difficult...and probably the biggest and most important time sink you will find. Study your intended market and spend the time needed to determine what the true velocity of your product is. (If you don't know what I mean by velocity see Metrics, again from Locke.)
- Because of the bullet above, I will be narrowing the focus of my alt, unfortunately, in high-sec station invention, this is not an agile process, you're looking 20+ days out to see the first cycle of your adjusted copy jobs come out of the oven (I have been averaging ~10 days/copy job, but I sometimes have to move 10+ jumps to find those stations with only 5 day queues).
- For my main, I had to train another character to do nothing but copy for him. I will have to do the same thing for my alt, once I finish with the last of the training. I have them setup for 8 slots of copying, that's enough for for 800 modules every 10-14 days/character. Trying to maintain 8 slots of copy and still do invention makes for a nightmare schedule. 28 days or so for an 11th slot/character...doesn't seem worth it yet, not with another 3 character slots on my current account still open.
- Need to find a good way to utilize a potential 10 manufacturing slots / copy character. Depending on how component profits come out in Odyssey, that's one option. I would like to start producing some ships, but the T1 ship market is pretty upside down. There are a few T1 products that look interesting, especially if I have the capital to keep them in sale orders in trade hubs, but that is probably a couple of months out.